Een type truck waar ik nog nooit van had gehoord was de Iveco Tector. Natuurlijk ken ik de Tector motor wel, maar de truck waar die in gestopt word heet bij ons gewoon Eurocargo. Op bepaalde markten, onder andere Rusland en Brazilië heet deze schijnbaar Iveco Tector, bleek na een korte Google-sessie. Wie er meer over weet mag het in de comments achterlaten, altijd interessant.
Het bij deze foto horende persbericht geeft wat meer duidelijkheid over waarom deze vrolijk kijkende mannen met een bos sleutels voor de trucks staan:
Iveco, a brand of CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI), delivered 10 trucks to the Brazilian Aeronautical Commission this week. Delivery of the vehicles took place in Belém, the capital of Pará state. Representatives from Iveco and officials from the Commission participated in the handover. The vehicles will be operated through the Airport Commission of the Amazon Region – Comara. The Commission’s tasks oversee the design, construction and equipping of airports. Among the activities taking place at these airports are the ongoing military and civilian missions aimed at protecting the Amazon rainforest region.
The vehicles that have been provided are models from the Iveco Tector Attack line, the latest medium range product offered by the brand in Latin America. Chosen for their versatility, these trucks will aid the Air Force in the execution of civil works assigned by Federal, State or Municipal government agencies.
Built to provide high power, durability and cost-effectiveness, the Tector Attack is a multiple recipient of the “Best Truck” title for Brazil’s medium range market. The award is conferred annually by the AutoData publishing group, which consists of major specialised automotive industry publications such as AutoData, Transpodata and the AutoData Agency. Both a comfortable and efficient mode of on-road transport, this versatile vehicle can be customised for a range of different missions from smaller commercial deliveries to the transport of crops such as grain.
Iveco first began commercial and manufacturing activities in Brazil in 1997. CNH Industrial employs over 10,000 people in the country and operates facilities in Sete Lagoas, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Cuiaba, Nova Lima, Sorocaba and Piracicaba that make a full product spectrum from light, medium and heavy commercial vehicles, engines, defence vehicles, agricultural machinery and construction equipment. This significant delivery marks yet another fruitful collaboration between the company and the nation’s public sector services.
Zo’n naam Eurocargo heeft in Brazilië niet zoveel zin, dat zegt niemand iets. Het is ook typisch zo’n naam die stamt uit het “euforische” pre-eenwording tijdperk in Europa. In Rusland zal men ook niet echt warme gevoelens krijgen van deze naam gezien de “innige” band met Europa…
Tector is een nietszeggende maar wel stoere naam die Iveco wat mij betreft meteen voor de hele wereld mag invoeren 🙂